In Summer 2016, I edited an issue of the Johns Hopkins University Press journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics (Vol. 6, No. 2) that collects first person stories on VSED.
My Life—My Death
Carol Douglas, Bill Lukin
The Less, the Better: One Patient’s Journey with VSED
Julie Dziedzic–Carroll
Kept Alive—The Enduring Tragedy of Margot Bentley
Katherine Hammond
VSED at Home with Hospice: The experiences of a Husband and Daughter
Elizabeth Keller Jose, William S Jose
Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking: A Patient’s Right to Choose or an Act of Suicide?
Wendy Kohlhase
‘I’d Like to Choose my Own Way:’ VSED in the Non–Terminal Patient
Adam Marks
Sam’s Final Story
Marilyn Mitchell
Not Here by Choice: My Husband’s Choice About How and When to Die
Phyllis Shacter
Life and Death on Her Own Terms
Susan Schaffer, Elliott Schaffer, Janet Malek
Sarah’s Second Attempt to Stop Eating and Drinking: Success at Last
Judith K Schwarz
To Live Long Enough to Warm the Hearts of Others: Reflections on Informing my Patient about a Peaceful Way to Die*
Stanley A Terman
The Deacon’s Mom Wants to Die.
Deacon Gregory K Webster
VSED: Death With Dignity or Without?
Mark Corbett
VSED Narratives: Exploring Complexity
Robert Horowitz, Bernard Sussman, Timothy Quill
Merits, Demands, and Challenges of VSED
Paul T. Menzel
Mom’s VSED Journey
Laurie Ann
She Never Met a Stranger—Death is No Stranger
David L Brown
Hunger Games
Blair Henry