Is There a Right to Delay Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria? 77(11) JAMA NEUROLOGY 1347-1348 (2020) (with Ariane Lewis, and Richard J. Bonnie).
Determination of Brain Death / Death by Neurologic Criteria - The World Brain Death Project, 324(11) JAMA 1078-1097 (2020) (with David M. Greer, Sam D. Shemie, Ariane Lewis, Sylvia Torrance, Panayiotis Varelas, Fernando D. Goldenberg, James L. Bernat, Michael Souter, Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, Anne W. Alexandrov, Marie Baldisseri, Thomas Bleck, Giuseppe Citerio, Rosanne Dawson, Arnold Hoppe, Stephen Jacobe, Alex Manara, Thomas A. Nakagawa, Thaddeus Mason Pope, William Silvester, David Thomson, Hussain Al Rahma, Rafael Badenes, Andrew J. Baker, Vladimir Cerny, Cherylee Chang, Tiffany R. Chang, Elena Gnedovskaya, Moon-Ku Han, Stephen Honeybul, Edgar Jimenez, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Gang Liu, Uzzwal Kumar Mallick, Victoria Marquevich, Jorge Mejia-Mantilla, Michael Piradov, Sarah Quayyum, Gentle Sunder Shrestha, Ying-ying Su, Shelly D. Timmons, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Walter Videtta, Kapil Zirpe, MD41; Gene Sung).
It’s Time to Revise the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 172(2) ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 143-144 (2020) (with Ariane Lewis and Richard Bonnie).
Brain Death Testing: Time for National Uniformity, 20(6) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 1-3 (2020).
Why Should We See Brain Death as Socially Situated? 22(12) AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS E983-985 (December 2020) (guest editor of issue with Ariane Lewis).
Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria in the United States: The Case for Revising the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 47(4) (Supp.) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 9-24 (2019) (with Ariane Lewis, Leon G. Epstein, David M. Greer, Matthew P. Kirschen, Michael Rubin, James A. Russell, Richard J. Bonnie).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING ch.6 (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (2019).