How We Live and Die: Stories, Values, and Communities, ROGER MUDD CENTER FOR ETHICS, WASHINGTON & LEE UNIVERSITY, Lexington, Virginia (February 11, 2025).
GERIPAL PODCAST (February 13, 2025).
Not So Uniform: A Brief Legal History of the UDDA and Current Controversies in BD/DNC, SCCM CRITICAL CARE CONGRESS, Orlando, Florida (February 23-25, 2025).
Future of Clinical Ethics - Healthcare Ethics Consortium 2025 Annual Conference, EMORY UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR ETHICS, Atlanta, Georgia (March 24-25, 2025).
Reducing Liability Risk with Informed Consent, COVERYS MED-IQ (March 27, 2025).
Preparing for Medical Aid in Dying in Minnesota, MINNESOTA NETWORK OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE, Bloomington, Minnesota (April 8, 2025).
Care of Unrepresented Older Adults: Updating the AGS Ethics Committee Position Statement, AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING, Chicago, Illinois (May 8-10, 2025) (with Yael Zweig & Joe Dixon).
Strategies for Resolving Conflicts over Futile and Potentially Inappropriate Treatment, SUTTER HEALTH (May 21, 2025).
Law, Healthcare, and the Aging Brain and Body, PETRIE-FLOM CENTER FOR HEALTH LAW POLICT, BIOTECHNOLOGY, AND BIOETHICS AT HARVARD LAW SCHOOL 2025 CONFERENCE, Boston, Massachusetts (June 9, 2025).
VSED for Ethicists, UK CLINICAL ETHICS NETWORK (UKCEN) ANNIUAL MEETING, Oxford, England (June 13, 2025).
Visiting Professor, CLEVELAND CLINIC, Cleveland, Ohio (September 28-29, 2024).
VSED and MCF, Seattle, Washington (September 27, 2025).
Top 10 Legal Developments in Bioethics and Public Health, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOETHICS & HUMANITIES (ASBH) 27th ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Portland, Oregon (October 22-25, 2025).
7th Annual Ernest and Sarah Krug Lecture in Biomedical Ethics: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED), OAKLAND UNIVERSITY WILLIAM BEAUMONT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Rochester, Michigan (November 12, 2025).