This page collects primary source materials on the Tinslee Lewis case. These are court documents, legislative documents, and other publicly released materials.
The U.S. Supreme Court will meet on Friday, January 8, 2021 to decide whether it will review this case on the merits. Statistically, this is unlikely. The court grants certiorari in only about 1% of the petitions filed.
Establishing and Dismantling Death Panels: Success Factors for the Texas Advance Directives Act? in INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON END OF LIFE REFORM: POLITICS, PERSUASION, AND PERSISTENCE (Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2021) (Ben White and Lindy Wilmott eds).
The Texas Advance Directives Act: Must a Death Panel Be a Star Chamber? 15 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 42-44 (2015).