This page organizes my over 330 publications by date.
Other pages organize these publications by topic area and by publication type.
Articles & Chapters in Progress
Brain Death: Clinicians May Perform Tests without Consent (law review article in progress).
Society of Critical Care Medicine, Contestation of Brain Death Toolkit (workgroup project in progress).
Clinical and Ethical Myths About Medical Aid in Dying (in process).
Comparing VSED and MAID (under submission).
Expand Right to Die Options for Older Americans, in LAW, HEALTHCARE, AND THE AGING BRAIN AND BODY (I. Glenn Cohen, Nina A. Kohn, Francis X. Shen, Susannah Baruch eds. forthcoming 2026).
VSED Advance Directives: Legality of Instructions to Stop Eating and Drinking (in progress)
Better Dementia Directive for VSED (in process with others).
Final Exit Network: Operations, Accomplishments, Legality (in progress).
Stopping ECMO with Indefinite ICU Survival (with Bill Allen and Alex Supady).
Ten Years Later: Assessing the ATS/AACN/ACCP/ESICM /SCCM Policy Statement: Responding to Requests for Potentially Inappropriate Treatments in Intensive Care Units (in process).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2025) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (1st semi-annual update).
Perspectives from Multidisciplinary Professionals on Approaches to Pediatric Brain Death Contestation: Work Product of the SCCM Contestation of Pediatric Brain Death Task Force, Part 1, 26 PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE (forthcoming 2025) (with SCCM Contestation of Pediatric Brain Death Task Force).
Deep and Continuous Palliative Sedation without Artificial Nutrition And Hydration: an International Review, 35(1) INDIANA INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 67-152 (2025) (with Richard Liu and April Xiaoyi Xu).
Assisted Dying in the United States, in LAW AND ASSISTED DYING RESEARCH HANDBOOK ch.10 (Edward Elgar forthcoming 2025).
Law and Shared Decision Making - Recent Developments, in OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF SHARED DECISION MAKING ch. 67 (forthcoming 2025) (with Valerie Gutmann Koch & Nadine Montgomery Allam).
Medicare Mandates for Shared Decision Making with Patient Decision Aids: Linking Payment to Preference, 34 ANNALS OF HEALTH LAW & LIFE SCIENCES (forthcoming 2025).
Medical Futility Blog, (daily blogging continues in 2025).
Remote Witnessing of Written Request Forms, 2(1) JOURNAL OF AID IN DYING MEDICINE 54-58 (Dec, 2024).
Patients with Dementia Using VSED to Qualify for MAID, 2(1) JOURNAL OF AID IN DYING MEDICINE 76-86 (Dec. 2024).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: Systematic Review of Empirical Studies, JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE (2024) (with Roberta Ness), doi: 10.1089/jpm.2024.0206.
Mr. Smith Has No Mealtimes: Minimal Comfort Feeding in Advanced Dementia, 69(2) JOURNAL OF PAIN & SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 216-222 (2025) (with Hope Wechkin and others).
Responding to Conscience-Based Barriers to Medical Aid in Dying: A Survey of Colorado Physicians, 39 JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE (2024),
International Comparison of Underlying Disease among Recipients of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), 184 JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE (2024) (with Brandon Heidinger, Colleen Webber, Kenneth Chambaere, Eliana Close, Luc Deliens, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Agnes van der Heide, Ben White, James Downar), doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.6643.
VSED Bridge to MAID: Spotlighting Better End-of-Life Options, 73(1) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY 314-315 (Jan. 2025) (with Lisa Brodoff).
Patients with Limited English Proficiency: Legal Mandates for Language Assistance Services, 24(11) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 78-80 (Nov. 2024).
When ECMO Can No Longer Lead to Recovery or Transplant – Ethical and Practical Considerations for Treating Seriously Ill Patients when Opportunities Are Fading, 9 LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE (Sept. 2024) (with Bill Allen and Alex Supady).
Medical Aid in Dying: More Accessible in More States, 332(14) JAMA 1139-1140 (2024).
Aid in Dying: Partnering With Patients and Communities, 10(2) JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL ETHICS 51-52 (2024) (with Pola Hahlweg, Ralf Jox, Marie-Eve Bouthillier, Stella Reiter-Theil).
Facing Dementia in the Community and the Clinic: New Challenges for Aging Societies, 10(2) JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL ETHICS 57-58 (2024) (with Zoe Ritchie, Kate de Medeiros, Nancy Berlinger).
Medical Futility Laws Protect Surrogate Decision Makers by Constraining Clinicians and Hospitals, 36 HEC FORUM (forthcoming 2024).
Honoring Patient Directives to Withdraw Oral Feeding and Hydration if Suffering in Late-stage Dementia: Can Professionals Agree? 16 ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA: DIAGNOSIS, ASSESSMENT & DISEASE MONITORING e70014 (2024) (with Stan Terman and Karl Steinberg).
Top 10 Legal Developments in SDM: Law and Policy Update on Implementing SDM into Clinical Practice, 29 BMJ EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE A95 (2024).
Motivate Clinicians to Use Patient Decision Aids by Showing How They Reduce Medical Liability Risk, 29 BMJ EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE A95 (2024).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2024) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (2d semi-annual update).
How Seeking Transfer Often Fails to Help Define Medically Inappropriate Treatment, 54(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT (Mar/Apr 2024) (with Douglas B. White).
When Persons Facing Dementia Choose to Hasten Death: Current Legal, Ethical, Medical, and Social Considerations in the United States, 54(S1) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT S11-S21 (Jan/Feb 2024) (with Emily A. Largent, Jane Lowers, Timothy E. Quill, Matthew K. Wynia).
Guiding the Future: Rethinking The Role of Advance Directives in the Care of People with Dementia, 54(S1) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT S33-S39 (Jan/Feb 2024) (with Barak Gaster).
Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unrepresented Hospitalized Patients, 137(6) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 473-475 (2024) (with Ryan Marshall Felder, Kate Luenprakansit, David Magnus).
Advance Directive for Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking (2024) (with Northwest Justice Project and National VSED Advance Directive Committee),
Limits on Parental Discretion in Medical Decision Making: Pediatric Intervention Principles Converge on Requirements for State Intervention, 67(2) PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY & MEDICINE 277-289 (2024) (with Mark C. Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman, Douglas S. Diekema).
Medical Aid in Dying: Time for Evidence-based Legislation, KEVINMD (Jan. 16, 2024).
Medical Aid in Dying to Avoid Late-Stage Dementia, 72(4) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY 1216-1222 (2024) (with Lisa Brodoff).
Time for Federal Standards on Death Determination: The National Determination of Death Act, 24(1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 111-113 (2024).
Gestational Carrier Pregnancies: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Pediatricians, 153(4) PEDIATRICS e2023062805 (2024) (with Hayley M. Wilcox, Christy L. Cummings, Mark R. Mercurio),
No Consent for Brain Death Testing, 50 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS (2024) (with Alex Ruck Keene and Jennifer Chandler).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2024) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (1st semi-annual update).
Do We Know the Impacts of Living Wills & the POLST Paradigm on the Health & Life Insurance Sectors, 43 NAEPC JOURNAL OF ESTATE & TAX PLANNING (Dec. 2023) (with Ferdinando Mirarchi & Andrew Erman).
Ethical Issues Encountered in the Practice of Aid-in-Dying: A Survey of Healthcare Professionals, 1(1) JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CLINICIANS ACADEMY ON MEDICAL AID IN DYING 120-129 (Dec. 2023) (with Yvette Vieira, Jean Abbott, Charles Miller).
Aid in Dying Legal Corner: Patients with Limited Ability to Communicate,1(1) JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CLINICIANS ACADEMY ON MEDICAL AID IN DYING 20-23 (Dec. 2023).
Medicolegal Issues (Professional Version), in MERCK MANUAL (Oct. 2023).
Medicolegal Issues (Consumer Version), in MERCK MANUAL (Oct. 2023).
Beyond the Bridge: ECMO as Destination Therapy, 69(S3) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ARTIFICIAL INTERNAL ORGANS JOURNAL 78 (2023).
Top Ten New and Needed Expansions of U.S. Medical Aid in Dying, 23(11) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 89-91 (2023).
Brain Death: Controversies, Changes, and Strategies in Canada, USA, and UK, 9(2) JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL ETHICS 59-60 (2023).
Top Ten Things Clinical Ethicists Need to Know About VSED,9(2) JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL ETHICS 60 (2023).
Medical Aid in Dying Ethics Consultation, 9(2) JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL ETHICS 91 (2023).
Pediatric Decision Making: Consensus Recommendations 152(3) PEDIATRICS (August 2023) (with Erika K. Salter et al.),
Medical Aid in Dying: Clinical Considerations, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (July 2023) (with Lonny Shavelson and Margaret Battin),
Medical Aid in Dying: Ethical and Legal Issues, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (July 2023) (with Lonny Shavelson and Margaret Battin),
Neurologic Diseases and Medical Aid in Dying: Aid-in-Dying Laws Create an Underclass of Patients Based on Disability, 23(9) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 5-15 (Sept. 2023) (with Lonny Shavelson, Margaret Battin, Alicia Ouellette, and Benzi Kluger).
Permit Assisted Self-Administration: A Response to Open Peer Commentaries on Neurologic Diseases and Medical Aid in Dying: Aid-in-Dying Laws Create an Underclass of Patients Based on Disability, 23(9) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS W9-W14 (Sept. 2023) (with Lonny Shavelson, Margaret Battin, Alicia Ouellette, and Benzi Kluger).
Your End-of-Life Options: Medical Aid in Dying May Allow You or Your Loved Ones to Take Steps to Avoid Unnecessary End-of-Life Suffering, 33(4) ABA EXPERIENCE MAGAZINE 12-15 (July/August 2023).
Widespread Misinterpretation of Advance Directives and POLSTs Threatens Patient Safety and Causes Undertreatment and Overtreatment, 19(5) JOURNAL OF PATIENT SAFETY 289-292 (2023) (with Ferdinando Mirarchi).
SED by AD: Prepare to Respect Patient Wishes, 24(1) JAMDA - JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 1518-1519 (2023) (with Dan Haimowitz).
Response to Resolution A19 Regarding Stopping Eating and Drinking by Advance Directives, 24(6) JAMDA - JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION e1-e2 (June 2023) (with Ladislav Volicer, Karl E. Steinberg, Stanley A. Terman).
Hospice Nurse Ethics and Institutional Policies Toward Medical Aid in Dying, 123(6) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING 37-43 (June 2023) (with Jean Abbott, Jeanne Kerwin, Constance Holden, Margaret Pabst Battin, Charles Miller).
Recommendations of the International Donation and Transplantation Legislative and Policy Forum, 9(5) TRANSPLANTATION DIRECTe1395(May 2023) (with Maeghan Toews, Jennifer A. Chandler, Roger Pape, Matthew Weiss, Alberto Sandiumenge).
Consent for Death Determination Testing - Recommendations of the Definition and Determination of Death Project, 70(4) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 570-584 (April 2023) (with others).
Navigating Disagreement and Conflict in the Context of a Brain-based Definition of Death, 70(4) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 724-735 (April 2023) (with others).
A Brain-Based Definition of Death and Criteria for its Determination After Arrest of Circulation or Neurologic Function in Canada: A Clinical Practice Guideline, 70(4) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 483-557 (April 2023) (with others).
Legal Considerations for the Brain‐Based Definition of Death, 70(4) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 659-670 (April 2023) (with others).
Traveling Across States for Prohibited Treatments:Medical Aid in Dying and Looming Battles Over Abortion, 38 JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE 517-519 (2023) (with I. Glenn Cohen & Eli Y. Adashi).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2023) (semi-annual update) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara).
Palliative Care: Medically Futile and Potentially Inappropriate Therapies of Questionable Benefit, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (2023) (with John Lantos and Laura Miller-Smith).
Legal Aspects in Palliative and End of Life Care in the United States, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (updated May 2023).
Physician Assisted Dying. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (2023) (with Lonny Shalvelson and Peggy Battin) (updated 2023).
[Over 350 daily Blog Posts], MEDICAL FUTILITY BLOG (2023).
Is Consent Required for Clinicians to Make a Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria? in DEATH DETERMINATION BY NEUOLOGICAL CRITERIA: AREAS OF CONTROVERSY AND CONSENSUS 287-304 (Ariane Lewis and James L. Bernat eds., Springer 2022).
Use Certified Patient Decision Aids to Facilitate Shared Decision Making at the Margins of Viability,22(11) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 49-51 (2022).
Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment over Family Objections, KevinMD (August 24, 2022).
Neurologic Diseases and Medical Aid in Dying: Aid-in-Dying Laws Create an Underclass of Patients Based on Disability, 22 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS (2022) (with Lonny Shavelson, Margaret Battin, Alicia Ouellette, and Benzi Kluger).
Counterpoint: Whether Informed Consent Should Be Obtained for Apnea Testing in the Determination of Death by Neurological Criteria: No,161(5) CHEST 1145-1147 (2022).
Rebuttal from Dr. Pope: Whether Informed Consent Should Be Obtained for Apnea Testing in the Determination of Death by Neurological Criteria,161(5) CHEST 1148-1149 (2022).
Patient Decision Aids Improve Patient Safety And Reduce Medical Liability Risk, 74(1) MAINE LAW REVIEW 73-100 (2022).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Lesser Known, Widely Available Palliative Option of Last Resort, 63(5) JOURNAL OF PAIN & SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 798 (May 2022) (with others).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2022) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara).
Medical Futility, in GUIDANCE FOR HEALTHCARE ETHICS COMMITTEES (2d ed. Cambridge University Press 2022) (Micah Hester and Toby Schonfeld eds.).
Revise the UDDA to Align the Law with Practice through Neuro-Respiratory Criteria, 98(13) NEUROLOGY 532-536 (2022) (with Adam Omelianchuk, James Bernat, Art Caplan, David Greer, Christos Lazaridis, Ariane Lewis, Lainie Friedman Ross, and David Magnus.
[Over 350 daily Blog Posts], MEDICAL FUTILITY BLOG (2022).
Medical Aid in Dying and Dementia Directives, 4(2) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 82-86 (2021).
Extrajudicial Resolution of Medical Futility Disputes: Key Factors in Establishing and Dismantling the Texas Advance Directives Act, in INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON END OF LIFE REFORM: POLITICS, PERSUASION, AND PERSISTENCE (Cambridge University Press 2021) (Ben White and Lindy Wilmott eds).
International Perspectives on Reforming End-of-Life Law, in INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON END OF LIFE REFORM: POLITICS, PERSUASION, AND PERSISTENCE (Cambridge University Press 2021) (Ben White and Lindy Wilmott eds).(with Ben White, Lindy Willmott, Jocelyn Downie, Penney Lewis, Celia Kitzinger, Jenny Kitzinger, Kenneth Chambaere, Luc Deliens, Mona Gupta, Emily Jackson, Agnes van der Heide, Eliana Close, Katrine Del Villar and Jodhi Rutherford).
Resolving Conflicts in Pediatric Palliative Care, in INTERDISCIPLINARY PEDIATRIC PALLIATIVE CARE (Oxford University Press 2021) (with others).
Avoid Advanced Dementia with an Advance Directive for Stopping Eating and Drinking, 134(9) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE E502 (2021) (with Timothy Quill, Paul Menzel, Judith Schwarz).
Medical Decision-Making Practices for Unrepresented Residents in Nursing Homes23(3) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 489-492 (2021) (with Hyejin Kim and others).
Resolving End-of-Life Treatment Conflicts: Comparing the COP in England to Analogous Mechanisms in Ontario, California, and Texas, OPEN JUSTICE COURT OF PROTECTION PROJECT (June 23, 2021)
Legal Issues with VSED, in VOLUNTARILY STOPPING EATING AND DRINKING: A COMPASSIONATE, WIDELY AVAILABLE OPTION FOR HASTENING DEATH ch. 4 (Oxford University Press 2021) (with Tim Quill, Paul Menzel, Judith Schwarz).
Legal Issues with SED by AD, in VOLUNTARILY STOPPING EATING AND DRINKING: A COMPASSIONATE, WIDELY AVAILABLE OPTION FOR HASTENING DEATH ch. 10 (Oxford University Press 2021) (with Tim Quill, Paul Menzel, Judith Schwarz).
Addressing Conflicts of Interest in Health and Medicine: Current Evidence and Implications for Patient Decision Aid Development, 41(7) MEDICAL DECISION MAKING 768-779 (2021) (with Rachel Thompson Zoe Paskins, Barry G Main, Evelyn CY Chan, Ben W Moulton, Michael J Barry, and Clarence H Braddock).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2021) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara).
Jack Kevorkian, in AMERICAN NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY (Oxford University Press 2021).
One Giant Leap for MAID, FINAL EXIT NETWORK NEWSLETTER (Winter 2021), at 4-5.
Physician Assisted Dying. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (2021) (with Tim Quill and Peggy Battin) (updated May 2021).
Palliative Care: Medically Futile and Potentially Inappropriate / Inadvisable Therapies, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (2021) (with John Lantos and Laura Miller-Smith).
Legal Aspects in Palliative and End of Life Care in the United States, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (updated May 2021).
[Hundreds of Blog Posts], MEDICAL FUTILITY BLOG (Jan. to Dec. 2021).
Medical Aid in Dying: Key Variations among U.S. State Laws,14(1) JOURNAL OF HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES LAW 25-59 (Oct. 2020).
Video Advance Directives: Growth and Benefits of Audiovisual Recording, 73 SMU LAW REVIEW 161-175 (2020).
Why Should We See Brain Death as Socially Situated? 22(12) AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS E983-985 (December 2020) (guest editor of issue with Ariane Lewis).
Nursing Home Staff’s Perceptions of Healthcare Decision Making for Unbefriended Residents, 4(1) INNOVATION IN AGING 384 (2020) (with Hyejin Kim, Molly Perkins, Patricia Comer, Mi-Kyung Song).
Palliative Care: Medically Futile and Potentially Inappropriate Therapies of Questionable Benefit, UPTODATE (2020) (with John Lantos and Laura Miller-Smith).
Is There a Right to Delay Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria? 77(11) JAMA NEUROLOGY 1347-1348 (2020) (with Ariane Lewis, and Richard J. Bonnie).
Determination of Brain Death / Death by Neurologic Criteria - The World Brain Death Project, 324(11) JAMA 1078-1097 (2020) (with David M. Greer, Sam D. Shemie, Ariane Lewis, Sylvia Torrance, Panayiotis Varelas, Fernando D. Goldenberg, James L. Bernat, Michael Souter, Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, Anne W. Alexandrov, Marie Baldisseri, Thomas Bleck, Giuseppe Citerio, Rosanne Dawson, Arnold Hoppe, Stephen Jacobe, Alex Manara, Thomas A. Nakagawa, William Silvester, David Thomson, Hussain Al Rahma, Rafael Badenes, Andrew J. Baker, Vladimir Cerny, Cherylee Chang, Tiffany R. Chang, Elena Gnedovskaya, Moon-Ku Han, Stephen Honeybul, Edgar Jimenez, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Gang Liu, Uzzwal Kumar Mallick, Victoria Marquevich, Jorge Mejia-Mantilla, Michael Piradov, Sarah Quayyum, Gentle Sunder Shrestha, Ying-ying Su, Shelly D. Timmons, Jeanne Teitelbaum, Walter Videtta, Kapil Zirpe, MD41; Gene Sung).
Reply to Weber: Treatment Decisions for Unrepresented Patients: ATS/AGS Policy Statement Lacks Sufficient Guidance, 202 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY & CRITICAL CARE (Aug. 17, 2020), doi: 10.1164/rccm.202007-2806LE (with Lynette Cederquist et al.).
It's Time to Revise the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 173(1) ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 75-75 (2020).
Brain Death Testing: Time for National Uniformity, 20(6) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 1-3 (2020).
Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unrepresented Patients in the ICU: An Official ATS/AGS Policy Statement,201(10) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY & CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 1182-1192 (2020) (with multi-professional committee).
Hospital Mergers and Conscience-Based Objections — Growing Threats to Access and Quality of Care,382(15) NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 1388-1389 (2020) (with Ian D. Wolfe).
It’s Time to Revise the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 172(2) ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 143-144 (2020) (with Ariane Lewis and Richard Bonnie).
Revising the Uniform Determination of Death Act: Response to Miller and Nair-Collins, HASTINGS BIOETHICS FORUM (January 29, 2020) (with Ariane Lewis and Richard J. Bonnie).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (2020).
Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria in the United States: The Case for Revising the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 47(4) (Supp.) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 9-24 (2019) (with Ariane Lewis, Leon G. Epstein, David M. Greer, Matthew P. Kirschen, Michael Rubin, James A. Russell, Richard J. Bonnie).
"Do You Want Everything Done?": Clarifying Code Status, AHRQ PS-NET (Dec. 2019) (with Karl Steinberg).
Assistance with Eating and Drinking Only When Requested Can Prevent Living with Advanced Dementia, 20(11) JAMDA 1353-1355 (2019) (with Ladislav Volicer and Karl Steinberg).
Avoiding Late-Stage Dementia with Advance Directives for Stopping Eating and Drinking, KevinMD (October 6, 2019).
Firing Your Patient: How to Terminate a Patient Relationship, ASCO POST (September 10, 2019).
Should You Become an Expert Witness in a Legal Proceeding? Here Are the Pros and Cons, ASCO POST (August 25, 2019).
Parental Refusals: What Are Your Responsibilities When Mom and Dad Decline Cancer Treatment for a Child? ASCO POST (July 25, 2019).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (Supp. 2019-2).
Curbside Consults: New Liability Risks to Avoid When You Are Not the Patient’s Physician, ASCO POST (June 25, 2019).
Stopping Eating and Drinking by Advance Directives (SED by AD) in the ALF and PALTC Setting, 20 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (JAMDA) (2019) (with Ladislav Volicer, Karl E. Steinberg, and Stanley A. Terman).
Five Things Clinicians Should Know When Caring for Unrepresented Patients, 21(7) AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS 581-585 (July 2019).
Informed Consent Requires Understanding: Complete Disclosure Is Not Enough, 19(5) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 27-28 (2019).
Full Disclosure: What Oncologists Must Tell Patients about Their Experience and Training, ASCO POST (April 10, 2019).
Healthcare Fraud Prosecutions Are on the Rise: Here’s What Oncologists Need to Know to Avoid Unwittingly Committing Health-Care Fraud, ASCO POST (March 10, 2019).
Whether, When and How to Honor Advance VSED Requests for End-Stage Dementia Patients, 19(1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 90-92 (2019).
New Regulations Require Better Communication with Patients Who Have Disabilities and Limited English Proficiency, ASCO POST (January 25, 2019).
Medical Futility Blog (2019) (new posts almost daily - this year, the blog surpassed four million pageviews, plus is republished on WestlawNext and other places).
Legal History of Medical Aid in Dying: Physician Assisted Death in U.S. Courts and Legislatures, 48(2) NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW 267-301 (2018).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (two supplements in 2018).
Brain Death and the Law – Hard Cases and Legal Challenges, 48(6) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT S46-S48 (Nov/Dec 2018).
The Best Interest Standard for Health Care Decision Making: Definition and Defense, 18(8) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 36-38 (2018).
Medical Aid in Dying in Hawaii: Appropriate Safeguards or Unmanageable Obstacles? HEALTH AFFAIRS BLOG (August 2018) (with Mara Buchbinder).
The 50-Year Legacy of the Harvard Report on Brain Death, 320(4) JAMA 335-336 (2018) (with Robert Truog & David Shumway Jones).
Case Study - Mrs. Selano: An Interprofessional Perspective, in Ethical Aspects of Care, in PALLIATIVE CARE NURSING: QUALITY CARE TO THE END OF LIFE 70-71 ( M. Matzo & D. Sherman eds., 5th ed. Springer 2018).
Charlie Gard’s Five Months in Court: Better Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Medical Futility Disputes, 44(7) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS 436-437 (2018).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: New Laws Limiting Opioid Prescriptions Create Undue Barriers for Cancer Patients and Survivors, ASCO POST (September 25, 2018).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: Expanding the Use of Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment for Patients with Advanced Cancer, ASCO POST (September 10, 2018).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: Why Oncologists Should Decline to Participate in the Right to Try Act, ASCO POST (August 10, 2018).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking Is a Legal and Ethical Exit Option, ASCO POST (June 25, 2018).
Safeguards, in PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED DEATH: SCANNING THE LANDSCAPE 5-2 to 5-4 (National Academies of Science Engineering & Medicine 2018).
Voluntary Stopping and Eating and Drinking Among Patients With Serious Advanced Illness—A Label in Search of a Problem?—Reply, 178(5) JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE 727 (2018) (with Timothy Quill, Linda Ganzini, Bob Truog).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: Clinical, Psychiatric, Ethical and Legal Aspects, 178(1) JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE 123-127 (2018) (with Timothy Quill, Linda Ganzini, Bob Truog).
Medical Futility and Potentially Inappropriate Treatment: Better Ethics with More Precise Definitions and Language, 60(3) PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 423-427 (2018).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: Decision Aids Reflect Patients’ Values and Preferences for Care. So Why Aren’t More Oncologists Using Them? ASCO POST (May 10, 2018).
How to Respond to a Patient’s Discriminatory Request for a Different Clinician, ASCO POST (April 10, 2018).
Legal Duties of Clinicians When Terminally Ill Patients With Cancer or Their Surrogates Insist on 'Futile' Treatment, ASCO POST (Mar. 10, 2018).
Providing Cancer Treatment Without Patient Consent, ASCO POST (Feb. 25, 2018).
Medical Futility Blog (2018) (new posts almost daily - this year, the blog will surpass four million pageviews, plus is republished on WestlawNext and other places).
Certified Patient Decision Aids: Solving Persistent Problems with Informed Consent Law, 45(1) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 12-40 (2017).
Unbefriended and Unrepresented: Medical Decision Making for Incapacitated Patients without Healthcare Surrogates, 33(4) GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 923-1019 (2017).
Brain Death Forsaken: Growing Conflict and New Legal Challenges, 37(3-4) JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE 265-324 (2017).
Procedural Due Process and Intramural Hospital Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: The Texas Advance Directives Act,10 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW AND POLICY 93-158 (2017).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (2nd 2017 supplement).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (1st 2017 supplement).
Informed Consent and the Oncologist: Legal Duties to Discuss Costs of Treatment, ASCO POST (Nov. 25, 2017).
Medical Aid in Dying: When Legal Safeguards Become Burdensome Obstacles, ASCO POST (Dec. 25, 2017).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED) to Hasten Death: May Clinicians Legally Support Patients to VSED? 15 BMC MEDICINE 187 (Oct. 2017).
New Legal Guidelines for Determination of Brain Death, 14(3) JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY 323-328 (2017).
Palliative Care: Medically Futile and Potentially Inappropriate / Inadvisable Therapies, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA (2017).
Legal Aspects in Palliative and End of Life Care in the United States, In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (Accessed on June 7, 2017).
Legal Briefing: Unwanted Cesareans and Obstetric Violence, 28(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 163-173 (2017).
Brain Death Rejected: Expanding Legal Duties to Accommodate Religious Objections, in LAW, RELIGION, AND AMERICAN HEALTH CARE 293-305 (Cambridge University Press 2017).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, 10(5) THE PATIENT - PATIENT CENTERED OUTCOMES RESEARCH 537-539 (2017) (with Daniel S. Lessler).
Legal Briefing: New Penalties for Disregarding Advance Directives and DNR Orders, 28(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 74-81 (2017).
Controlling the Misuse of CPR with Certified Patient Decision Aids and POLST, 17(2) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 35-37 (2017).
Physician Power to Declare Death by Neurologic Criteria Threatened, 26(3) NEUROCRITICAL CARE 446-449 (2017) (with Ariane Lewis).
TRIAD VIII: Nationwide Multicenter Evaluation to Determine Whether Patient Video Testimonials Can Safely Help Ensure Appropriate Critical Versus End-of-Life Care, 13(2) JOURNAL OF PATIENT SAFETY 51-61 (2017) (with Ferdinando L. Mirarchi et al.).
Medical Futility Blog (2017) (over 300 new posts - this year, the blog surpassed three million pageviews, plus is republished on WestlawNext and other places).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING (3d ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (2016 supplement).
Texas Advance Directives Act: Nearly a Model Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Intractable Medical Futility Conflicts, 16(1) QUT LAW REVIEW 22-53 (2016).
Re Physicians' Opinions About Accommodating Religiously Based Requests for Continued Life-Sustaining Treatment, 52(5) JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT e5 (2016).
Response: Reason-Giving and Medical Futility: Contrasting Legal and Social Discourse in the United States with the United Kingdom and Ontario, Canada,150(6) CHEST 1426 (2016) (with Gabriel Bosslet and Mary Baker).
Reason-Giving and Medical Futility: Contrasting Legal and Social Discourse in the United States with the United Kingdom and Ontario, Canada,150(3) CHEST 714-721 (2016) (with Gabriel Bosslet and Mary Baker).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, 6(2) NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN BIOETHICS 75-126 (2016) (symposium editor).
Introduction: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, 6(2) NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN BIOETHICS 75-77 (2016).
Legal Briefing: Stopping Non-Beneficial Life-Sustaining Treatment without Consent, 27(3) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 254-264 (2016) (with Kristin Kemmerling).
Oregon Shows that Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly, 15(2) FINAL EXIT NETWORK NEWSLETTER 7 (May 2016).
Clinical Criteria for Physician Aid-in-Dying, 19(3) JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 259-262 (2016) (with David Orentlicher & Ben Rich).
Legal Standards for BrainDeath, 13 JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY 173-178 (2016).
Mandated Reporters and Compulsory Reporting Duties, 27(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 76-83 (2016).
Emerging Legal Issues for Providers in the US, in SHARED DECISION MAKING IN HEALTHCARE: ACHIEVING EVIDENCE-BASED PATIENT CHOICE 38-42 (Oxford University Press 2016) (with Benjamin Moulton).
Medical Futility Blog (2016) (over 300 new posts - the blog surpassed over two million pageviews, plus is republished on WestlawNext and other places).
Definition and Defense of Hard Paternalism: A Conceptual and Normative Analysis of the Restriction of Substantially Autonomous Self-Regarding Conduct, Chapter Five - A New Normative Defense of Hard Paternalism (under revision for publication, over 250 downloads and citations). SSRN link
Legal Briefing: Medicare Coverage of Advance Care Planning, 26(4) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 361-367 (2015).
Medical Futility and Potentially Inappropriate Treatment, in OXFORD HANDBOOK ON DEATH AND DYING (Stuart Younger & Robert Arnold eds., Oxford University Press 2015) (with Douglas B. White).
Advance Care Planning, MINNESOTA HEALTH CARE NEWS 26-29 (Nov. 2015).
The Texas Advance Directives Act: Must a Death Panel Be a Star Chamber? 15 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 42-44 (2015).
Brain Death: Legal Duties to Accommodate Religious Objections, 148(2) CHEST e69 (2015).
Health Care Reform Implementation in Minnesota: Mission Advanced But Not Accomplished: An Introduction to the Symposium, 38 HAMLINE LAW REVIEW 161-176 (2015).
Patient Rights in the ICU, in OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF CRITICAL CARE ch. 26, 113-116 (Webb, Angus, Finfer, Gattioni & Singer eds., Oxford University Press 2016) (with Douglas B. White).
Prospective Autonomy and Dementia: Ulysses Contracts for VSED, 12(3) JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY (2015).
Legal Briefing: Adult Orphans and the Unbefriended: Making Medical Decisions for Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates, 26(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 180-188 (2015).
Statement on Futility and Goal Conflict in End-of-Life Care in ICU Medicine191(11) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY & CRITICAL CARE 1318-1330 (2015) (with ATS Ethics Committee and other external content experts).
Brain Death: Legal Obligations and the Courts, 35(2) SEMINARS IN CLINICAL NEUROLOGY: THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF BRAIN DEATH DETERMINATION 174-179 (2015) (with Christopher M. Burkle).
An Official American Thoracic Society Policy Statement: Managing Conscientious Objection in Intensive Care Medicine, 191(2) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE 219-227 (2015) (with Mithya Lewis-Newby, Mark Wiccalir, ATS Ethics Committee & other external content experts).
Legal Briefing: Coerced Treatment and Involuntary Confinement for Contagious Disease, 26(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 73-83 (2015) (with Heather Bughman).
Medical Futility Blog (2015) (over 600 new posts - the blog surpassed over one million pageviews, plus is republished on WestlawNext and other places).
THE RIGHT TO DIE: THE LAW OF END-OF-LIFE DECISIONMAKING(3rd ed. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (with Alan Meisel & Kathy L. Cerminara) (commencing with the 2015 supplement).
The Changing Legal Climate for Physician Aid-in-Dying, 311(11) JAMA 1107-08 (2014) (with David Orentlicher and Ben A. Rich).
Oregon Shows that Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly, NEW YORK TIMES - ROOM FOR DEBATE, Oct. 7, 2014.
Death Penalty, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS (4th ed., Jennings ed., Macmillan Reference 2014).
Quality of Life in Legal Perspective, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS (4th ed., Jennings ed., Macmillan Reference 2014).
Limiting Liberty to Prevent Obesity: Justifiability of Strong Hard Paternalism in Public Health Regulation, 46 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 1859-1876 (2014).
The Growing Power of Healthcare Ethics Committees Heightens Due Process Concerns, 15(2) CARDOZO JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION 425-447 (2014).
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Intractable Medical Futility Disputes, 58 NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL LAW REVIEW 347-368 (2014).
POLST Legislative Guide (Feb. 2014) (with Legislative Working Group of the National POLST Paradigm Task Force).
Legal Briefing: Brain Death and Total Brain Failure, 25(3) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 245-257 (2014).
Legal Briefing: Informed Consent in the Clinical Context, 25(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 152-174 (2014) (with Melinda Hexum).
Legal Briefing: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, 25(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 68-80 (2014) (with Amanda West).
Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Surrogates, 369(21) NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 1976-1978 (2013).
Clinicians May Not Administer Life-Sustaining Treatment without Consent: Civil, Criminal, and Disciplinary Sanctions, 9 JOURNAL OF HEALTH & BIOMEDICAL LAW 213-296 (2013).
Legal, Medical, and Ethical Issues in Minnesota End-of-Life Care, 36(2) HAMLINE LAW REVIEW 139-150 (2013).
Lessons from Tragedy - Part Two, 19 WIDENER LAW REVIEW 239-258 (2013).
Legal Briefing: Home Birth and Midwifery, 24(3) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 293-308 (2013) (with Deborah Fisch).
Judicial Responsibility to Decide Bioethics Cases, 10(4) JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY 441-444 (Dec. 2013).
Advance Care Planning for End-Stage Kidney Disease (Protocol). COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS 2013, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD010687. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010687 (with A. Effiong, L. Shinn & J.A. Raho).
Legal Briefing: The New Patient Self Determination Act, 24(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 156-167 (2013).
Legal Briefing: Shared Decision Making and Patient Decision Aids, 24(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 70-80 (2013) (with Mindy Hexum).
Medical Futility, in GUIDANCE FOR HEALTHCARE ETHICS COMMITTEES ch.13 (Micah D. Hester & Toby Schonfeld eds., Cambridge University Press 2012).
Physicians and Safe Harbor Legal Immunity, 21(2) ANNALS OF HEALTH LAW 121-135 (2012). SSRN link
Career Guide for the Future Healthcare Attorney, 4(1) WIDENER HEALTH LAW COLLOQUIUM 2-7 (Fall 2012).
The Government's Duty to Preserve in False Claims Act Litigation, American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA) HEALTHCARE LIABILITY & LITIGATION PRACTICE HEALTH BRIEFS E-NEWSLETTER (Oct. 2012).
Legal Briefing: POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), 23(4) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 353-376 (2012) (with Mindy Hexum).
Facebook Can Improve Surrogate Decision Making, 12(10) AM. J. BIOETHICS 43-45 (2012).
The Courts, Futility, and the Ends of Medicine, 307(2) JAMA 151-152 (2012) (with Douglas B. White).
Review of Lawrence J. Schneiderman and Nancy S. Jecker, Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients, and Futile Treatment, 12(1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 49-51 (2012).
Responding to Requests for Non-Beneficial Treatment, 5(1) MD-ADVISOR: A JOURNAL FOR THE NEW JERSEY MEDICAL COMMUNITY (Winter 2012) at 12-17.
Legal Briefing: The Unbefriended: Making Healthcare Decisions for Patients without Proxies (Part 1), 23(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 84-96 (2012) (with Tanya Sellers).
Legal Briefing: The Unbefriended: Making Healthcare Decisions for Patients without Proxies (Part 2), 23(2) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 177-192 (2012) (with Tanya Sellers).
Legal Fundamentals of Surrogate Decision Making, 141(4) CHEST 1074-1081 (2012) (5th in series: Intersection of Law and Medicine).
The Slow Transition of U.S. Law toward a Greater Emphasis on Prevention, in PREVENTION VS. TREATMENT: WHAT'S THE RIGHT BALANCE? 219-244 (Halley S. Faust & Paul T. Menzel eds., Oxford University Press 2011).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Legal Treatment Option at the End of Life, 17(2) WIDENER LAW REVIEW 363-428 (2011) (with Lindsey Anderson), reprinted in NINA A. KOHN, ELDER LAW: PRACTICE, POLICY & PROBLEMS 540-543 (Wolters Kluwer 2014), and cited in Bentley v. Maplewood Seniors Care Society, 2014 BCSC 165. SSRN link
Caring for the Seriously Ill: Cost and Public Policy, 39(2) J. L. MED. & ETHICS 111-113 (2011) (with Robert M. Arnold and Amber E. Barnato). Journal link
Guest Editor of a Special Symposium: Caring for the Seriously Ill: Cost and Public Policy, 39(2) J. L. MED. & ETHICS 111-234 (2011) (with Robert M. Arnold and Amber E. Barnato).
Comparing the FHCDA to Surrogate Decision Making Laws in Other States, 16(1) NYSBA HEALTH L.J. 107-111 (April 2011). SSRN link
Foreword: Symposium: Health Law and the Elderly: Managing Risk at the End of Life, 17(2) WIDENER L. REV. i-vii (2011).
Legal Briefing: Medically Futile and Non-Beneficial Treatment, 22(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 277-296 (Fall 2011).
The Best Interest Standard: Both Guide and Limit to Medical Decision Making on Behalf of Incapacitated Patients, 22(2) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 134-38 (2011).
Medical Futility and Maryland Law, MID-ATLANTIC ETHICS COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER, at 1-3 (Winter 2011).
Legal Briefing: Healthcare Ethics Committees, 22(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 74-93 (2011). Journal link
Resolving Medical Futility Disputes, 36(2) DNA REPORTER [Delaware Nurses Association], at 5-6 (May/June/July 2011) (with Donna Casey). Journal link
Conscientious Objection, 17 LAHEY CLINIC MED. ETHICS J. 6-7 (Winter 2011). Journal link
Law's Impact on the Resolution of End-of-Life Conflicts in the ICU, 39 CRITICAL CARE MED. 223-224 (2011). Journal link
Involuntary Passive Euthanasia in U.S. Courts: Reassessing the Judicial Treatment of Medical Futility Cases, in MEDICAL TREATMENT AND THE LAW 104-45 (Asifa Begum ed. Amicus Books, Icfai University Press 2010).
Surrogate Selection: An Increasingly Viable, but Limited, Solution to Intractable Futility Disputes, 3 ST. LOUIS U. J. HEALTH L. & POL’Y 183-252 (2010). SSRN link
The Topography and Geography of U.S. Health Care Regulation, 38(2) J. L. MED. & ETHICS 427-432 (2010). SSRN link
Legal Briefing: Crisis Standards of Care, 21(4) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 358-367 (2010) (with Mitchell Palazzo). Journal link
MOLST: A Cure for the Common Advance Directive, 35(4) DNA REPORTER [Delaware Nurse's Association], at 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2010) (with Monyeen Klopfenstein). Journal link
Legal Briefing: Organ Donation, 21(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 243-263 (2010). Journal link
Legal Briefing: Conscience Clauses and Conscientious Refusal, 21(2) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 163-180 (2010). Journal link
The Case of Samuel Golubchuk: The Dangers of Judicial Deference and Medical Self-Regulation, 10(3) AM. J. BIOETHICS 59-61 (Mar. 2010). Journal link
Legal Briefing: Informed Consent, 21(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 72-82 (2010). Journal link
Legal Update, 21(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 83-85 (2010). Journal link
Restricting CPR to Patients Who Provide Informed Consent Will Not Permit Physicians to Unilaterally Refuse Requested CPR, 10(1) AM. J. BIOETHICS 82-83 (Jan. 2010). Journal link
Resolving Conflicts with Surrogate Decision Makers, 137(1) CHEST 238-39 (2010). Journal link
Medical Futility Statutes: Can/Ought They Be Resuscitated? in THE MANY WAYS WE TALK ABOUT DEATH IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY: INTERDISCIPLINARYSTUDIES IN PORTRAYAL AND CLASSIFICATION ch.18 (Margaret Souza & ChristinaStaudt eds., Edwin Mellen Press 2009).
2008-2009 National Health Law Moot Court Competition, 30 J. LEG. MED. 443-466 (2009). SSRN link
A Conversation About End-of-Life Decisionmaking, 14(2) NYSBA HEALTH L.J. 91-107 (Fall 2009) (with Nancy Dubler, Alicia Ouellette, Timothy Quill, Robert Swidler). SSRN link
Multi-Institutional Healthcare Ethics Committees: the Procedurally Fair Internal Dispute Resolution Mechanism, 31 CAMPBELL L. REV. 257-331 (2009). SSRN link
Legal Briefing: Advance Care Planning, 20(4) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 289-296 (2009). Journal link
Legal Briefing: Medical Futility and Assisted Suicide, 20(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 274-86 (2009). Journal link
Legal Update, 20(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 287-88 (2009). Journal link
Controversies Abound in End-of-Life Decisions, 18(5) AM. J. CRITICAL CARE 400 (2009). Journal link
The Pure Process Procedural Approach to Medical Futility, J. MED. ETHICS eLetter June 10, 2009 (comment on S Moratti, The Development of "Medical Futility": Towards a Procedural Approach Based on the Role of the Medical Profession, 35 J. MED. ETHICS 369 (2009)).
Involuntary Passive Euthanasia in U.S. Courts: Reassessing the Judicial Treatment of Medical Futility Cases, 9 MARQUETTE ELDER’S ADVISOR 229-68 (2008), reprinted in MEDICAL TREATMENT AND THE LAW 104-45 (Asifa Begum ed. Amicus Books, Icfai University Press 2010). SSRN link
EMTALA: Its Application to Newborn Infants, 4 ABA HEALTH ESOURCE No. 7 (Mar. 2008). SSRN link
DNAR as Default Status: Desirable in Principle, Difficult in Practice, 17 AM. J. CRITICAL CARE 404 (2008). Journal link
Multi-Institutional Hospital Ethics Committees: For Rural Hospitals, and Urban Ones Too, 8(4) AM. J. BIOETHICS 69-71 (April 2008). Journal link
The Language of Living Wills, 178 CANADIAN MED. ASS’N J. 1324 (2008). Journal link
Futility: The Limits of Mediation, 132 CHEST 888-89 (2008) (with Ellen Waldman). Journal link
Medical Futility Statutes: No Safe Harbor to Unilaterally Stop Life-Sustaining Treatment, 75 TENN. L. REV. 1-81 (2007),reprinted in JANET L. DOLGIN & LOIS L. SHEPHERD, BIOETHICS AND THE LAW 796-98 (2d ed. Aspen 2009). SSRN link
Mediation at the End-of-Life: Getting Beyond the Limits of the Talking Cure, 23 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL. 143-94 (2007) (with Ellen Waldman). SSRN link
Rethinking Medical Liability: A Challenge to Defense Lawyers, Trial Lawyers, and Medical Providers: An Introduction to the Symposium, 37 U. MEM. L. REV. 455-58 (2007).
Philosopher’s Corner: Medical Futility, 15 MID-ATLANTIC ETHICS COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER, Fall 2007, at 6-7. Journal link
Monstrous Impersonation: A Critique of Consent-Based Justifications for Hard Paternalism, 73 UMKC L. REV. 681-713 (2005). SSRN link
Is Public Health Paternalism Really Never Justified? A Response to Joel Feinberg, 30 OKLA. CITY U. L. REV. 121-207 (2005). SSRN link
1999 to 2004
Counting the Dragon’s Teeth and Claws: The Definition of Hard Paternalism, 20 GA. ST. U. L. REV. 659-722 (2004). SSRN link
Balancing Public Health against Individual Liberty: The Ethics of Smoking Regulations, 61 U. PITT. L. REV. 419-98 (2000). SSRN link
The Maladaptation of Miranda to Advance Directives: A Critique of the Implementation of the Patient Self Determination Act, 9 HEALTH MATRIX 139-202 (1999). SSRN link
Social Contract Theory, Slavery, and the Antebellum Courts, in A COMPANION TO AFRICAN AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY 125-33 (Tommy Lott & John Pittman eds., Blackwell 2003) (paperback 2006) (with Anita L. Allen).
Legal Issues (The Right to Privacy and Lawsuits), in AIRLINE PASSENGER SECURITY: NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES 34-43 (National Academy of Sciences 1996) (with Paul F. Rothstein).
From Theoretical Foundations and Methods to Practical Applications: My Bioethics Education at Georgetown, 2 AM. J. BIOETHICS No. 4, at 36-37 (2002). Journal link