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Legal Fundamentals of Surrogate Decision Making, 141(4) CHEST 1074-1081 (2012).
Comparing the FHCDA to Surrogate Decision Making Laws in Other States, 16(1) NYSBA HEALTH L.J. 107-111 (April 2011).
The Best Interest Standard: Both Guide and Limit to Medical Decision Making on Behalf of Incapacitated Patients, 22(2) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 134-38 (2011).
Surrogate Selection: An Increasingly Viable, but Limited, Solution to Intractable Futility Disputes, 3 ST. LOUIS U. J. HEALTH L. & POL’Y 183-252 (2010).
Resolving Conflicts with Surrogate Decision Makers, 137(1) CHEST 238-39 (2010).